16 of 30 Google PHP results contain SQL injection vulnerabilities

Today, out of curiosity, I googled for php mysql email register. This returns tutorials, how-tos, code snippets. Most results include flawed DB statements. This usually means something like

// Don't do this!
mysqli_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = '" . $_POST["user'] . "'");

Here is the detailed breakdown. The articles are listed in the order they were suggested to me. I omitted unrelated articles or ones behind a paywall.

Possible statuses:

  1. All parameters in SQL queries are escaped categorically
  2. Incoming data is only escaped where absolutely necessary
  3. Author attempted some escaping but vulnerability found
  4. No escaping logic whatsoever
# Status URL Site Notes
1 3 link CodeWithAwa "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='$email' LIMIT 1";
2 1 link envatotuts+
3 1 link Code Boxx
4 1 link Aaraf Academy
5 3 link Webslesson WHERE user_activation_code = '".$user_activation_code."'
6 2 link CodingNepal
7 3 link YouTube Timestamp provided
8 3 link YouTube This is part 1 of a series of 3. Part 1 is fine, but there are problems in part 2, as well as part 3 here and here and here
9 4 link morioh Redirects you to tutsmake.com where the code is to be found
10 3 link Webs Codex "SELECT * FROM users WHERE otp = '$postOtp'
11 1 link CodeShack
12 1 link webtipstricks
13 4 link studentstutorial
14 4 link positronX.io
15 1 link Mage Mastery
16 1 link phppot
17 4 link TalkersCode
18 3 link OurSourceCode $query = "update users set status='1' where token='$token'";
19 1 link DZone
20 3 link Sourcecodester mysqli_query($conn,"select * from user where userid='$user'"), Also, using htmlspecialchars() for SQL escaping everywhere
21 4 link coding cyber
22 2 link developphp Uses custom RegExes mostly
23 4 link ProgrammerSought
24 1 link Grepper
25 1 link CodeAndCourse
26 4 link w3tweaks
27 1 link Speedy Sense
28 1 link Technopoints
29 4 link Techno Smarter
30 4 link FormGet

I skipped to the next article as soon as I found at least one injection-prone line. There are of course more issues to be found across all 30 results, this is just the result of me quickly skimming them all specifically for sql injection.

Main takeaway for me personally is the dreadful quality of the majority of Google's search results. Several of these results were, simply put, SEO-optimized baloney.